Monday 25 March 2013

erotic sculptures and statues

 Here is my first stoneware bust, constructed from white stoneware clay. Firstly I made an aperture to build the clay onto. I added small clay pieces to the aperture, gradually building, forming and sculpting.Once finished I carefully took the aperture out, and hollowed it out more. I then fired it to 1200c.

The most enjoyable part was sculpting the wavy hair. I didn't base this sculpture on anyone in particular, but it turned out looking a bit like myself!
 This I named Nymphicus. It was inspired by the female form growing out of tree roots, the brown clay represents the rubber tree of ficus tree.

Made using white earthenware and chocolate black clay. Both clays had similar firing range and similar rates of shrinkage.

The chocolate black tubular parts are actually inserted into the earthenware body.

 This is also a tree nymph.

The most enjoyable part to create were the twisted limbs.

This was glazed using Boltz High Fire

The clay body sculpture was made by making separate body parts, hollowing them out and then joining together using score and slip method.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Chinese landscape paintings


A typical landscape with water

A lovely background design

Here are a few chinese paintings I have done over the past few months. All of them were painted using chinese water colour and black pine needle ink. Painted onto a single piece of rice paper. they have all been pasted and backed ready for framing.