Monday 3 November 2014

Nursing home art

Well, what a result ! I supplied the bisque, glazes, brushes and stamps to a local nursing home. Really enjoyed giving a lesson to the activity coordinator in the art of ceramic painting and giving the best advice as to which methods to use for people with a variety of nursing health needs.

Its so important that we remember the therapeutic benefits of art for our elderly and infirm. The pleasure of creativity at any level of ability is both rewarding and inspirational.

Here are a few of the bisque that they decorated. I dipped and fired them in my studio kiln, applied transfers and fired again. Love my job !

Saturday 20 September 2014


I have been invited to exhibit at AWAH gallery. The title of the exhibition being metaphysical.

My great grandmother was a firm believer in spiritualism and as part of this modern movement assisted in the donation of £2000 for the Fox Cottage in Hydesville USA. The Fox Cottage being the birth of modern spiritualism with the Fox Sisters Rappings phenomenon.

I have inherited a number of spirit photographs and images of the The Fox Cottage and thought it would be a great idea to use these images on ceramics for the exhibition.

I researched many areas of spiritualism and contacted various spiritualist institutions (USA). I found that the emblem of spiritualism is the sunflower, so I incorporated this in my works.

I also researched the physics and mathematics regarding such beliefs and contacted physicists to assist me in my thoughts. One particular physicist suggested I look at Newtons laws of motion with the second time derivative of position as this can relate to prediction of future and time. Apt for the spiritualists beliefs !! Wow, a scientific approach to a belief actually blew my mind.

So, I collected all my research and got busy creating and I completed 6 designs to be transfered onto ceramic tiles. Each tile measures 25 x 33 cm and will be exhibited at AWAH in October. Very exciting !

Thursday 28 August 2014


Started a new brief titled Metaphysical for an exhibition in October. I've researched various aspects of Spiritualism, from the very beginnings to modern spiritualism. It has been a fascinating journey and quite enlightening. Research included Greek oracles, prophecies, shamanism, Christian beliefs and the Fox sisters from the The Fox Cottage Rapping.

The sunflower is the Spiritualist emblem, so I painted one using traditional water colour. This will be used on a collage of work and will be presented on a large fired ceramic tile.


Wednesday 30 July 2014


These paintings will be delivered to AWAH gallery tomorrow. Journey 1 is a water colour on board 16" x12" and Journey 2 is a pencil drawing 28" x 20"

Both paintings were inspired by the landscapes in which I have traveled combined with the dreams I have dreampt and both depicting a surealist journey,

Saturday 5 July 2014

pottery demonstration

Well, what a successful day ! A very inspiring day spent demonstrating pinch pots and surface decoration at Purple Buttercup. Lots of interest for my ceramic workshops. Exciting times ahead.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Pottery Demonstration

I will be holding a FREE pottery demonstration this Saturday at Purple Buttercup, Church Road Urmston from 1pm - 3pm. Hope the weather stays good.

I will be demonstrating how to make a traditional pinch pot and ceramic flowers using grogged earthenware clay. I will be taking course bookings on this day too.

Monday 30 June 2014

ceramic flower workshop

What a wonderful day spent with AWAH. My ceramic flower workshop was a huge success. Over 50 ceramic flowers were created by adults and children.

All these wonderful flowers will be glazed and fired for AWAH window installation. A BIG thank you  from Manchester Airport Trust for funding this community project.

The finished glazed flowers for AWAH installation


Monday 23 June 2014

Ceramic Workshop

I will be holding a FREE ceramic workshop on Saturday 28th June. We will be creating ceramic flowers for Altrincham display windows. The workshop is for adults and children, so why not pop in and get creative. For more info go to

Friday 20 June 2014

Wellacre Academy art exhibition

Visited a fantastic school art exhibition last night at Wellacre Academy. I took many photographs and wrote a short review that has been published on AWAH blog website #

Here's a few pictures of some of my most favorite pieces.

Altrincham Open exhibition

Finished wares in Porcelain for exhibiting in July
Taken out of my kiln yesterday. Fired to 1200 and soaked for 15 mins.