Friday 14 February 2014

equinox sculpture

I've just finished sculpting a heavily pregnant girl to celebrate spring equinox. Made using chocolate black clay. First I sculpted the basic shape and left it to harden a little. I then scooped the clay out by making an aperture at the base. The detail was then put in.

I've just got to let her thoroughly dry out now before firing to about 1000c. I might then add some green under glaze and transparent before firing.

Monday 3 February 2014

Poppy pod

I made this last week. Made from white earthenware, coiled. This clay has very little grog so is unsuitable for coil pots. I had some of this clay left over from a previous project so thought I would use the rest up. As it is a coil pot I'm not sure how this one will fire.

The large pot was inspired by Chinese poppy pods. Thought it would be good for the Equinox Ceramic Exhibition next month. Ahhh Spring time !!!!

Bisque fired to 1000c. Undecided weather to glaze exterior after adding a little bit of underglaze. Here's an image of the bisque fired poppy pod.

My oriental poppy pods are inspired by this image taken by Karl Blossfeldt.

Equinox Ceramic Exhibition

Equinox exhibition coming soon. Sooo excited. I've contacted various ceramic artists/groups from around Manchester and world wide. Hope its a good turn out.

Due to unforeseen circumstance Art With a Heart gallery will be closing for this exhibition. instead the ceramics will be displayed in Altrinchams Northern Quarter, in the old new looks display area.