Wednesday 19 March 2014

AWHA Equinox Album

EQUINOX exhibition photo album curtasy of Art with A Heart and Director/Artist Karen Wroe

Sunday 16 March 2014

Equinox instalation

Here we are, myself and AWAH intern Natasha at the installation of the ceramic equinox exhibition.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Spring Equinox Exhibition

Here are the pieces I will be exhibiting for Art with a Heart. All my pieces are made from various clay bodies, various glaze recipes and I have used various methods. Giving the group a diverse range. Really excited for the installation tomorrow !

     Spring equinox ceramic exhibition 

From left to right: Oriental poppy pod
                           Turning Season
                           Chinese Lantern
                           Thrown bowl - Glimmer
                           Thrown bowl - Awaken
                           Equinox Goddess
                           Egg Lantern

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Porcelain workshop beads and pendants

Well, they have turned out rather lovely. All the students were very impressed with their very first designs and so was I. Well done Davyhulme Crafters !

Glazed beads and Pendants

The beads and pendants workshop went very well and fired nicely. Here is some of the beads hanging on the wire in the tile stacker. Note the way the wire hangs with the weight, something to concider when firing lots of heavy beads.

Monday 10 March 2014

Equinox poppy pod

After the bisque firing, I underglazed the pod using spectrum velvets, in greens and yellows. I then layered 3 coats of spectrum HF10 clear and fired to 1220c with a soak time of 15 mins to allow the glazes to flow. I'm quite pleased with the outcome although maybe a little more orange/yellow next time. This will be exhibited from the 14th of March for 2 weeks in the ol' New Look display window in Altrincham town center and then exhibited at AWAH gallery.

Turning Season

I rolled out a piece of slab without any defined shape using oxidising St Thomas clay. I used this type of clay because it has enough grog in it to keep the slab nice and flat.

After bisque firing to 1000c I painted a turning season scene to emphasize the Spring Equinox. I used Spectrum velvets for the under glaze and spectrum high fire 10 for the clear glaze. It was fired to 1220c and soaked for 15 mins. I had the vent plugs out for 2hrs at the start of the firing.

The 2nd turning season slab is still being fired. Hopefully I will post a pic tomorow.

Turning Season 2

Sunday 9 March 2014

Poppy Pod

Worked on my poppy pod yesterday and used my new Spectrum Velvets underglazes. I used varous hues of greens and yellows. I then gave it 3 coat of HF10 clar glaze. Its now in my kiln, firing to 2200c. Pretty hot eh !