Monday 21 April 2014

Trafford Schools Open

Working on the next Trafford Schools Open with Art With a Heart gallery. I will be recruiting North Trafford schools to submit work for the next exhibition. Really excited to see their new work.

So we took out an advertisement in the local paper.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Erotic sculpture making

Nymphicus making.
The initial sketch for this sculpture is pinned on the board behind .

First I made her legs using studio white earthenware, then the torso. I hollowed all the pieces seperately then joined them together when they were leather hard using slip.

I then used chocolate black clay and wrapped it around the torso, using slip to securely join them together.

I then pierced some small holes in the torso to insert the chocolate black roots.

The final sculpture was fired to 1040c, low firing. Vent plugs out for the first 5 hours

There are some more images of these sculptures in earlier posts.