Friday 9 May 2014

Porcelain Edelwiess

The next exhibition I will be entering is the In Bloom exhibition held at Art With a Heart gallery in Altrincham.

Inspired by the Edelweiss flowers that I found in the Alpine mountains of Zermatt, Switzerland.

I have a bag of porcelain to work with. yummy.. So I sculpted a ball of the clay using the pinch method and used a wooden baton to help its form. When it was leather hard, I carved some apertures to make it more interesting. I then sculpted some Edelweiss flowers, scored and slipped to fix it onto the main sculpture. When dried, I fired it to bisquit firing and here you go.

As this is just a sample, I will add some yellow and green to the center using underglaze and then give it a coat of clear glaze, fire to 1200 and see what happens.

Here's some samples after glazing to 1200, soak 15 mins

Nor bad !!!

Thursday 8 May 2014

Pretty Flowers

Painted these pretty flowers today, it was such a grey day, the colours lifted my spirits.I hope they really lift yours !

                        Hand painted using traditional Chinese Inks and Chinese methods.