Saturday 20 September 2014


I have been invited to exhibit at AWAH gallery. The title of the exhibition being metaphysical.

My great grandmother was a firm believer in spiritualism and as part of this modern movement assisted in the donation of £2000 for the Fox Cottage in Hydesville USA. The Fox Cottage being the birth of modern spiritualism with the Fox Sisters Rappings phenomenon.

I have inherited a number of spirit photographs and images of the The Fox Cottage and thought it would be a great idea to use these images on ceramics for the exhibition.

I researched many areas of spiritualism and contacted various spiritualist institutions (USA). I found that the emblem of spiritualism is the sunflower, so I incorporated this in my works.

I also researched the physics and mathematics regarding such beliefs and contacted physicists to assist me in my thoughts. One particular physicist suggested I look at Newtons laws of motion with the second time derivative of position as this can relate to prediction of future and time. Apt for the spiritualists beliefs !! Wow, a scientific approach to a belief actually blew my mind.

So, I collected all my research and got busy creating and I completed 6 designs to be transfered onto ceramic tiles. Each tile measures 25 x 33 cm and will be exhibited at AWAH in October. Very exciting !