Monday 23 February 2015

Fish Can !

  I've just completed a new piece of ceramic to be entered in an art exhibition. The theme is WATER and the environmental impact that we have on polluting our oceans, the theme raises political and ecological concerns. My design depicts our precious fish transforming into hazardous waste. We are what we swim in ! 

Earthenware pinch pot fired to 1000c, glazed using mayco with no transparent dip. Fired to 1004c and soak for 15 mins.


 I've just completed a new piece of ceramic to be entered in an art exhibition. The theme is WATER and the environmental impact that we have on polluting our oceans, the theme raises political and ecological concerns. My design depicts an oil platform with spill contaminating the seas. 

Earthenware pinch pot fired to 1000c, glazed using mayco with no transparent dip. Fired to 1004c and soak for 15 mins. The waves were created by 3 coats of cotton tail and 2 mins later 2 coats of blue. Using a cocktail stick scraffito design for the curly waves.

Saturday 21 February 2015

rosette brooches

After doing much research on rosettes, I decided to create some porcelain brooches inspired by the equine rosettes, I used JAB porcelain, porcelain under glaze and a transparent high fire glaze. Once the basic shapes were created I scored and joined the pieces together and biscuit fired to 1004c. I  applied the coloured underglaze and coated them in the clear glaze. Once dried I fired to 1220c with a 15 min soak.

The luster detail was applied onto the solvent cleaned brooches. I used Duncan Bright Gold and fired to 700c with no soak. So here they are !

Saturday 14 February 2015

Masked Up

 I've just completed a new piece of ceramic to be entered in an art exhibition. The theme is WATER and the environmental impact that we have on polluting our oceans, the theme raises political and ecological concerns. My design depicts the most powerful and largest marine mammal, the Killer Whale, but even this mammal succumbs to wearing a filter mask to filter out the many toxins being released into our environment and water. The idea of it is preposterous, even comical, or is it !

John Wayne

Completed a repair for a customer on John Wayne's bust from the USA, cast in plaster of paris. I pinned and glued the exposed plaster all along the break and secured them in with glue. I then hand formed the missing brim of his hat using air drying clay and pressed it onto the broken edge, securely fixing it around the pins.I sculpted the Das a little larger to allow for shrinkage. When the Das was completely dry, I sanded and finished it.