Saturday 20 April 2013

chocolate black fruit bowl

 This bowl was made with chocolate black clay and white stoneware clay. I started by rolling small balls of clay in each colour. I then pressed the balls into an ordinary fruit bowl that I lined with clingfilm. To get the swirly effect I gently smoothed the interior with a metal kidney. When it was leather hard I lifted the ware out of the existing fruit bowl and peeled back the clingfilm. It was left to dry and clear glazed before firing to both the clays firing range.

This pot was made using three different clays. Redware, chocolate black and white stoneware. All the clays had similar shrinkage rate and firing temps.
The coiling method was used for this ware to enable the different clays to fit in the design. Once the ware was leather hard I burnished it with the back of a metal spoon. It was then fired at a very slow rate. The pot now has a lovely sheen where it was burnished.

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