Friday 11 October 2013


Could'nt resist this dark image. The cast iron gates suggest protection of wealth, whereas the stairs suggest something a little more sinister, almost criminal.

This is a photograph of the wonderful iron structure of Altrincham Market roof.

I am intrigued by its web of engineering and just had to enter the image for the exhibition.

The only photo shop work I did was to make the image square.

                      PASTEL PRECINCT
Here are some photographic images that I took for an exhibition this week at Art with a Heart in Altrincham.The title of the photographic exhibition is Altrincham Squared.

This image of Altrincham precinct was livened up in photoshop to create a more colourful and welcoming environment. I made the colour translucent to reveal the brickwork.

                PAINT BY NUMBERS

 This image was taken looking down at the train track from an Altrincham walkway.

I then used photoshop to omit small areas and colour white. I then added numbers. I changed the look of the photo by adding a watercolour effect.

All of these images were sent off to a ceramic transfer company. When my transfers arrived I duly layed the transfers onto domestic white tiles, let them dry for a couple of hours and then fired them to 800c. They came out looking lovely and shiny and firmly fixed.

I then took them to the exhibition centre in Altrincham where they will be shown with other photographic works for the next few weeks. Details I will blog very soon.

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